
We are on the verge of something new and exciting and we are about to take a giant leap to become what we truly are: explorers of reality!

Exploreality will guide you on your quest by sharing insights and methods to understand and hack reality in order to have the best life experience possible. Throughout the ages, religions have given us the keys to experience and master reality, but the secular, disenchanted world has rejected and ridiculed it as useless nonsense. However, for many people modern life has been a disillusion resulting in discontent, desperation, uselessness and depression. Why should we suffer when we can be happy? It is time to turn the tide, rediscover the ancient religious and spiritual wisdom and become explorers of reality.

Reality is not fixed, but organic—forever changing, for change is the only constant. We can try to fight it, but we can also choose to go with the flow and float on the stream of consciousness towards yet another adventure. The way you experience your journey is up to you. There is no such thing as one reality and one truth—reality and truth have infinite possibilities and all is interconnected. We can choose to create, alter or destroy reality and therefore all is true and false at the same time, as all is happening at the same time—just like Schrödinger’s famous cat. It is our conception of reality that manifests reality as we perceive it. By exploring reality we learn how to change our perception of it which will change reality for us. This, in fact, is magick: to explore and change reality so that we can live life to the fullest. We all have the freedom to be who we truly are. All it takes is exploration, practice, perseverance and the will to evolve into infinity.

Reality can be explored by various consciousness changing techniques and substances—some having been practiced since the dawn of time. They enable us to distance ourselves from consensus reality and clearing the way for other ways of perceiving. These methods broaden the spectrum of our perception and give access to new worlds. Now who can say what ‘real reality’ really is after experiencing multiple forms of reality due to expanded awareness? Consensus reality is one thing, but in reality, reality is not. Real reality is infinite. We would like to encourage you to explore the infinite possibilities of reality!
