Hello Reality!

On this beautiful summer day, in the darkness of a new moon, we are happy to announce that Exploreality is officially launched!

The aim of Exploreality is to explore reality in all its diversity and unity. We will share the knowledge, insights, practices and experiences of living a fulfilling and magical life, based on the best bits of religion and spirituality. Ideas, methods and techniques will be offered to hack reality on the deepest level so that life can be transformed. This is the ancient wisdom that has been with us from the beginning of time, and that will assist us throughout our lives, and beyond.

Exploreality is not associated with a specific religious tradition, but finds inspiration in all religions. It is rooted in both an academic and personal quest for understanding reality. As a cum laude graduate in the field of Religious Studies, the founder of Exploreality is fascinated with the complex and intriguing phenomenon that is religion. We’re convinced that we can all learn so much from the rich religious traditions of the world. It’s time to share this for the benefit of all.

The seed of Exploreality is planted and we look forward to see it grow and flourish. We hope that Exploreality will aid you on your journey and that we can learn about reality together. We would like to invite you to this quest and encourage you to Exploreality!

| Exploreality |